Sold Didges

Didgeridoo #398

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  • Key: D
  • Length: 64″
  • Bell: 4″
  • Mouthpiece: Padauk
  • Back pressure: Very strong
  • Skill level: Any
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs
Sold, thanks Jason! In Farmington ME

Didgeridoo #396

Click any image to enlarge.

  • Key: B
  • Length: 57.5″
  • Bell: 3.25″
  • Mouthpiece: Walnut
  • Back pressure: Very strong
  • Skill level: Any
  • Weight: 3 lbs
Sold, thanks Michael! In San Diego, CA

Didgeridoo #389

Click any image to enlarge.

Don’t be fooled by the dimensions on this one. This plays like a didge twice its size. When I worked at Gibson Guitar my favorite to work one was the smaller Robert Johnson model. I also love working on these smaller agaves because they too play with such power and have tremendous volume as well. This one has an incredibly soothing drone and would be perfect for meditative style of play but has the ability to play with incredible speed and also has tremendous overtone capabilities. With its size it is so easy to move around while playing and also would be perfect for all adventures and great for hiking and backpacking with its weight of only 2lbs. This has some really dense resonant wood and just sings when it plays. Such a lovely gem!


Sold, thanks again Todd and Tamara! In San Luis Obispo, CA

Didgeridoo #385

Click any image to enlarge.

I really don’t know where to start other than this thing is just incredible! It instantly shakes my room when I play it and along with its incredible volume it has just a mesmerizing bass filled balanced drone. I am amazed at its response and what it inspires when playing.  With its shape it can play with incredible tempo and percussive style. With these deeper notes though I mostly love to absorb the calming tones and create soundscapes and go to another world which makes sense with this one being the crown chakra. It plays with such ease and despite its tremendous size takes so little breath.The vocals are insane and the overtones crystal clear. There are so many capabilities and just playing for the short time I can’t wait to see where it goes and to hear back! A very special and incredible didge!

Sold, thanks Tamara and Todd! In San Luis Obispo, CA

Didgeridoo #386

Click any image to enlarge.

I love this didge! It plays with so much soul and the drone has amazing bass tones and is just mesmerizing. The key of B has such a calming effect on player and listener and just feels so good to play. As you can see from the weight this is an extremely solid didge with thicker walls for an agave.  An extremely old stalk and with this time in the desert it developed such incredible character and coloration as you can see from the unique bell. This would be so great for sound healing and those wanting to play in a more meditative style but this one also can play with extreme speed and has incredible response and amazing harmonics and overtones. If you haven’t played these deeper notes you are in for a treat!







Sold, thanks Antony! In Los Angeles, CA

Didgeridoo #388

Click any image to enlarge.

For those who like a little smaller mouthpiece I made this one to be 1 1/8″ as opposed to the usual 1 1/4″  This one plays so easily and has some awesome rhythmic capabilities. It takes so little breath to get it going and has beautiful harmonics, vocals, and overtones. The drone has such great balance and calming bass tones. D# is such an energizing note and has always been one of my favorites to play with speed but also so great to play in a more ambient meditative style of play. Great for every level player and especially for someone who is just starting out on the didgeridoo as it will be a great teacher!

Sold, thanks Jon! in Lacey, WA

Didgeridoo #390

Click any image to enlarge.


This one has incredible overtone capabilities with its smaller long bore and nice little bell at the end. It takes such little breath to play and the drone has such a nice feel to it. If you have been playing on other woods or materials you will probably try and over blow at first. This one just wants to do the work for you. It would be great for those struggling with circular breathing with its incredible back pressure and guide you along to mastering it. With its smaller size it is perfect for travel and taking to jams (which is one of the things I miss most these days) once they start happening again soon! Would be great to play with drums with all its percussive capabilities and is a rhythm machine. Such a unique didge!


Sold, thanks Steve! In Deland, FL





Didgeridoo #383

Click any image to enlarge.

I found this Old Soul very recently and just loved the resonance and thicker, heavier wood on it that I started working on it the next day. I love these smaller agaves as they play like a didge twice their size and have amazing volume and power while being the perfect size for traveling, hiking, or playing out. This has amazing response and is a rhythmic machine. It has incredible balance to its drone with superb overtone and vocal capabilities. D# has always been one of my favorite keys for rhythmic play and a very uplifting energizing key. This would be perfect for every skill level and such a dynamic didge!



Sold, Thanks Ash! In Acushnet, MA

Didgeridoo #381

Click any image to enlarge.

  • Key: C
  • Length: 68″
  • Bell: 6″
  • Mouthpiece: Zebrawood, Walnut, Purpleheart, Shedua
  • Back pressure: Very strong
  • Skill level: Any
  • Weight: 2.6 lbs



Sold, Thanks again Mike! in Truckee, CA

Didgeridoo #375

Click any image to enlarge.


Fusion time again! After taking some time away from making them I have had more time to experiment and so happy to have created this unique didge! Kind of crazy to think at 6 feet that this is in D#. I combined two very resonant and different agaves as the top piece was a very small dense agave that tapers perfectly to the bell of this larger agave.  They seemed to be a perfect match as this is such an incredibly fun and versatile didge. This has so much volume and response and can play so strong in every style. I love playing it in an ambient style as it has such an ease to the drone and so many harmonics and bass tones. With this shape and longer bell is makes it almost sound like it has a built in amplifier. The vocals are so strong, the overtones insanely easy, and those that like to drop the drone the shape lends itself well for that style as well as well as a higher drone with ease. This one can do everything and might just break you out of a slump if you feel stuck in your playing as it is just a blast to play. Would be and incredible performance didge!


Sold, thanks again Mike! In Truckee, CA