One of the most unique stalks that I have found over the 15 years of making didges. That’s saying a lot seeing that I have worked on close to 500 over that time period. I found this stalk growing between two rocks which caused the unique bulb and angle the stalk grew. Not only does it have a nice big bell but it also has really great dense wood that tapers to a very small opening with extremely easy overtones and hardly any breath to get droning. Lots of percussive capabilities and can play with extreme pace. For those of you who enjoy wobbling this should fit you perfectly. Another really unique feature is the fact that this didge can stand all by itself. The unique shape has it balance perfectly on its bell of a foot. Quite a piece of art with lots of turquoise inlaid throughout to add to this special piece.
This is one tough stalk. It actually took me two separate occasions to this location to return home with it to remove all the stubborn tough leaves. Was an exhausting yet rewarding experience. This toughness translates well into the character of this didge. I love the deep mesmerizing drone and the long neck and mouthpiece allow for such easy overtones that mix beautifully with the C note. Amazing vocal abilities that love to travel throughout the length of this stalk. As you can imagine with the neck shape it has great backpressure and would make learning circular breathing that much easier. Advanced players will be in awe of all the sounds and abilities hidden deep in this stalk. An incredibly beautiful and powerful Old Soul!
As you can see from the dimensions this is a monster didgeridoo! This didge has so many amazing qualities. First off , the note of deep A#, which is hard to come by. It’s big bore and thin walls give it great bass tones and clear loud vocals. You can really feel this didge shake when you play it. For such a deep note it seems to also want to play fast rhythms interspersed with slow ambient soundscapes. The mouthpiece has lots of great tone woods that give it added beauty as well as the inlaid turquoise throughout. For those of you looking for a deep, meditative, rhythmically inclined didgeridoo this would be a great addition to your collection.
One of my all time favorites! I remember finding this stalk after a rugged mountain hike and was instantly blown away. Not many stalks do you find with a huge nine inch bell and a perfect taper. It is almost as if an ideal 6″ bell stalk was put under an enlarger. The volume on this one is insane. the first time I played it in the airstream all the walls instantly shook. The insane bass tones mixed with its accent abilites make this one so special. Incredible overtones and vocals. Perfect backpressure and so little breath required for this monster didge. Incredibly rhythmic and excels at ambient performance. With its great length at over 6 foot you can travel sounds for awesome effects. Can’t say enough about this didge and the most experienced player’s didges could be collecting dust and would be incredible for live performance and recording. If this would be your first didge or as a beginner player it would sure help in your exploration and a hell of a didge to learn on. I have this one the site for now but come mid April and it is still here it is going to my collection.
This one is dedicated to those players that really like to go fast! This one with thin walls and quick taper and good sized bell can be extremely explosive. So many gears in this one for those who also like to play a slower more ambient style. One can shift from slow to warp speed in no time. Light as a feather these thin walls contain such responsive vocal ability and and almost overtone present in the drone. F is a great energetic higher note and also the note of the heart chakra which is an area we could all use a little love.
Sold, Thanks Stephane! In Montaigut Sur Save, France
A friend recently played this one and said ” All those sounds came out of this!” Although this one isn’t as big and flashy as some of the others its has some great depth to it. This would be an awesome starter didgeridoo or one for traveling and hiking around as the summer months are approaching! Unusual for an agave this size to be a C and all the better as this deep grounding note can travel along with you with ease. Its mesmerizing bassy drone, vocal ability , strong backpressure, and ease of play , and turquoise inlays throughout make this one quite a catch.
Some didges are just hard to put into words as there is just a feeling you have when you play it that just resonates with you. This one is so balanced and seems to do everything well. It has nice volume with the beautiful drone it contains. Great explosive ability, vocals, overtones, and responsiveness. This is one of my favorites of the recently completed didges. I picked it up and played it so many times while working on it as I just love it. This would be great to start on and grow with or for the serious player that wants to add a great D to their collection.
Here is another one of my lovely deep note didgeridoos. Very rare to find didges in A# this one is so easy to play and takes very little breath. At close to six feet in length this allows the player to really travel sounds up and down the didge and the thinner walls on this one adds very crisp vocals with lots of bass present. When there is the opportunity I love to leave parts of the old flower nubs on these bigger stalks. It really adds a unique appearance to the didge. This one is so responsive and highly recommended if you don’t have an A# yet. this is your chance to explore a very powerful note.
This is a gnarly stalk full of stories. At least 3 years after blooming this stalk was still surviving the harsh desert climate. Most agaves wouldn’t make it this far and defines an old soul. So many bug holes and cracks in this very dense thick wood. I have left the cracks visible in my old soul style and many of the bug holes I have inlaid with turquoise throughout. A ton of inlays in this one. The deep cracks in this one are completely sealed so don’t worry as they just add character to the stalk. It plays with great power and my friend who recently visited just loved this didge. Easy toots, nice vocals, great response are all characters of this stalk. If you like an instrument that could tell stories this is the one.