Didgeridoo #356

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This new area I have been exploring has some incredibly thick and dense stalks. I just love the power they play with and this is about as thick as agaves come. Another swiss army knife of  a didge as this one can do it all. As you might have heard in the sound clip there is some really explosive drum like sounds you can make with this one. The back pressure is just perfect and takes no breath and even with the smaller bell this one has great volume and would be heard in any drum circle or acoustic jam. The sturdy, thicker walls make this one great for traveling and hiking and camping. The drone of C# is just so grounding and this one has just beautiful overtone capabilities overt the bass tones in the drone and the toots are really easy with the shape and dense wood. This one is perfect for every level and if I was just starting out this would be my pick. Such an awesome didge!



Sold, thanks Joshua! In Sierra Vista, AZ