Didgeridoo #117

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  • Key: F
  • Length: 53″
  • Bell: 5″
  • Mouthpiece: Pakauk, Satinwood, Canary, Walnut
  • Backpressure: Strong
  • Weight:
  • Wall Thickness: Thin

This one is dedicated to those players that really like to go fast! This one with thin walls and quick taper and good sized bell can be extremely explosive. So many gears in this one for those who also like to play a slower more ambient style. One can shift from slow to warp speed in no time. Light as a feather these thin walls contain such responsive vocal ability and and almost overtone present in the drone. F is a great energetic higher note and also the note of the heart chakra which is an area we could all use a little love.





Sold, Thanks Stephane! In Montaigut Sur Save, France