Didgeridoo #296

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Lately I have been really into making didges from stalks that most would pass on. This one was so full of large cracks it almost looked impossible to make. After boring it out I was fortunately able to clamp these back together and fill. I experimented with one like this last year and was so blown away by its sound I started working on more like it. Last year I would have left these in the desert and now I have found so many new possibilities.  I went to a reiki circle recently and a woman talked about how she uses her D# crystal bowl to raise energy in the body. I immediately was struck with how I love playing D# in a really rhythmic style and that this note got me out of a funk playing a few years ago. Seems this note lifts me up! This one has such a sold drone, vocals, and overtones and perfect for every level player. With its shape it takes very little breath has such nice back pressure, and a ton of volume as well. This Old Soul on top of it has a ton of sleeping beauty turquoise inlaid throughout telling many stories of years in the desert. A truly wise and awesome didge!






Sold, thanks Sue! in Rochester, MI