Didgeridoo #571 Key: A#


  • Key: A#
  • Length: 63″
  • Bell: 5.75″
  • Mouthpiece: Walnut, Canary
  • Back pressure: Medium-strong
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • Skill level: Advanced

This is a very experimental didge and would be for someone who has an extensive collection and wants to have something very different to explore new sounds. This is the third didge I have made from the same stalk! This agave bloomed at a neighbors house and she saved it for me for 2 years. This is from an Agave Americana  and had the luxury of much more water being in a yard with drip irrigation. The flower could be seen towering over mesquite trees and was close to 40 feet. This was near the base of the flower and  has a huge bore as you can see from the dimensions and mouthpiece. The bell end is about 6” and the top where the mouthpiece is attached is around 4.5”. This creates an insane amount of bass and this shape also contributed to it being an A# despite only being 63”. At 10 pounds this is one of the heaviest agaves  I have made and has incredibly thick walls. The vocals and harmonics are so interesting with its huge bore with is deep bass drone. Also able to make some really cool percussive drum sounds. The back pressure is a little tricky and takes some practice to get the hang of and just takes more breath than most didges so quicker breaths are required. I have no idea what all the capabilities it has yet and if you are looking for something completely different to add to your collection this would be quite a conversation piece and fun didge to experiment with!